Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Kon version 1.0.9 release

A fairly decent update for the bot.

As previously mentioned, this update changes the way sentences are structured. The topic, if the bot can find one, is now no longer the first word of the sentence. Instead it tries to build a bit of the sentence around it.

Another major change is the way the LB Brain is constructed. With this version it starts a longer depth to try and help with the pure randomness. People who compile Kon can turn off the longer depth and go back to the shorter depth by changing the variable shortDepth in LB.cs to true. The reason I did this is for those larger brain files. The larger the brain file the more random it starts to become. If you increase the depth, however, it should still be random but not to the point of insanity. Unfortunately, there's no way to convert your old brain files over so you'll have to start over.

This update improves the look of IRC in the bot's window including the appearances of: PART, NICK, NOTICE and MODE messages. It also allows the bot to see who joins multiple channels, whereas before it would only show the one channel set to join at start.

The last major advancement for this update is what I call RandomTalk. RandomTalk is exactly what it sounds like: it allows the bot to randomly talk when it's not being addressed. It works on a percentage that's set in the config file. There's also a command that admin and users can use to set it: !randomTalk [#]. By itself (!randomTalk) the bot will tell you what percent it's set at. With a number from 1 to 100 (example: !randomTalk 100) will set the percent to that number. To turn it off set it to -1.

And that's all for this update.

Download Binaries: Click here
Downlod Source: Click here (and download all the files)

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