Thursday, July 3, 2008

Kon version 1.0.8 release

Another update to the chatterbot! Hooray!

This update will be rather small compared to the last update. Still, I think it's taken a step forward in the right direction on becoming a much smarter bot.

This version fixes the notorious "null message" bug. In previous versions Kon would cause an error to happen (and potentially crash) when someone typed kon: with no text sent to the bot. This version fixes that and Kon will give a random sentence.

As I mentioned in the last post, Kon's Google Brain was broken and has been fixed to work again. It's not any smarter, nor do I intend to try and make it any smarter, but it's at least working again.

This version also starts two different methods to try and increase Kon's intelligence. First up, a grammar fixing function. This function will attempt to fix certain grammatical mistakes such as changing "am you" to "are you." Right now it doesn't fix a whole lot but hopefully in the future it will.

Second, Kon (when using the LB Brain) will now attempt to try and find a "topic" in what people say to him. Why? Because he tries to build his response around the topic that he finds. Note that this only works with the LB Brain and isn't a true topic finder. Right now it's just seeking for uncommon words. This will hopefully improve as time goes on. There's a new admin and user command, !toggleTopic, that will turn this function on and off.

Finally for this update, I noticed that my LB Brain files were getting to be rather massive in size. Knowing how Kon builds random sentences with this brain I thought I'd write a little utility to try and reorganize the brains and hopefully speed Kon up. Thus the "LB Brain Utility" was born. This small 20KB program comes packed with Kon and, for now, sort the brain files so that all the starting sentences are near the top. For example:

another line
another line 2
START_SENTENCE another start

will become

START_SENTENCE another start
another line
another line 2

If your LB Brain files get rather large (mine was almost 2MB) it is recommended to run this utility at least once a week. Warning: do not run this program while Kon is actively connected to a channel. Disconnect him first THEN run it. Otherwise there's potential to corrupt the brain files.

And that's all for this update. Enjoy.

Download Binaries: Click here
Downlod Source: Click here (and download all the files)

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