Thursday, June 5, 2008

Escape from Zearz - Version 1.0.2

Another update!

I have completely recoded the game from scratch yet again because I have found a better method of drawing the graphics to the screen and for storing rooms. The end result is that I can go back to my original idea for directions. The compass is going to disappear, though right now the graphic for it is still present on the GUI. I haven't figure out what I'm going to replace that area with.

No snapshot for this version but if you download it and run it you will see the progress I've made. You can now interact with an NPC ("Ed") and talk to him a few times. He has a few different lines to say.

As of right now I'm borrowing a few sprites and backgrounds from other games. I'm still not completely pleased with it, but it was just meant to test the other stuff anyway. I'll be going back and revamping all of that in a future version.

This will probably be my last post about the game for awhile as the next version will take awhile.

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