First up are bug fixes. After having run Kon for a few weeks observing I've noticed a few major bugs that have popped up. Two of which caused the bot to go BOOM. I also discovered that it wasn't replacing "UNNAMED_USER" correctly with someone from the channel. That has since been fixed. Also fixed: when a user used to talk to Kon in query he would respond in channel. Now he responds in query to queries.
Another thing I really wanted to get done with the last version but got tired before finishing was separating commands into three types: admin, users, and everyone. This version has achieved this. There's one admin that must be set, then the admin can add multiple users. All of the commands have been split into one of those three categories.
One last thing I've done was go back and redo the LB brain so that it splits questions and all other lines ("statements") into separate files. If the user asks Kon a question he will ALWAYS respond with a statement. Otherwise, it will be a 50/50 shot on which one he'll do. It's not a huge change, but it might make things a little easier in the future should I choose to pursue other ideas I have.
Download Binaries: Click here
Downlod Source: Click here (and download all the files)
Complete changelog:
- Fixed an error when you toggle the LB brain off that caused the bot to crash.
- Fixed an error with !LBinfo when the LB brain wasn't loaded.
- Tried to fix the reconnect command, again.
- Seperated the IncomingCommand method into its own file.
- Seperated the ConsoleCommand method into its own file.
- Seperated the logging method into its own file.
- Added !konInfo to the list of commands. This will send the version information to the channel.
- Changed the way the LB brain works by seperating questions and statements. Now when someone asks a question to the bot, it will reply with a statement (a non-question). Otherwise, it'll be random whether or not it asks a question or replies with a statement.
- Fixed a channel user list bug that wasn't showing the list of channel users after someone talked to the bot for the first time.
- Added a !channelusers command that will display all the users in the channel (for testing purposes) ** warning: don't use this command in an extremely busy channel with a ton of users (more than 30) or else it might crash the bot.
- Added an !utter command that will Kon to randomly say something to the channel.
- Added an admin section to the config file.
Admins have access to all commands and have the ability to add 'users' to the list. - Commands have been broken down by type: admin only, users, anyone.
- Fixed a bug in previous versions where Kon would spout two responses for one input line.
- Fixed a bug that caused Kon to reply to the main channel when someone messaged him in private. Now he will respond to private messages by messaging the person who is talking to him.
- ADMIN ONLY commands: !addUser (nick), !remUser (nick), !quit
- ADMIN AND USERS ONLY commands: !reload, !reloadAIML, !toggleAIML, !toggleGoogle, !toggleLB, !channelUsers, !utter
- ANYONE commands: !splash, !konInfo, !brainInfo, !LBinfo
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