Thursday, January 17, 2008

Hello World!

Hello World!

This is my first live blog entry! If you are seeing this then everything has been set up correctly. Fun stuff!

Now onto the matters of what you will find within the walls of this blog. Well, I plan to use this blog for a whole variety of reasons. I'll be using it to post updates to my various programs. If I do any more Japanese translations I will post those here as well. In addition to translation and program updates, you will also be able to read entries that concern my life (generally work). Finally, if I run across any interesting news, get involved in any neat games, or discover any new anime, I may end up posting about them here as well.

In other words, it's just going to be a hodgepodge of stuff. Be sure to use the labels to help sort this stuff out.

Hope you'll stick around to read on.

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