I've been working on Kon version 1.0.11. So far here's the changelog for that version:
- Fixed a small issue of certain modes not displaying all of the data (such as opping not showing who was opped).
- Changed the logger and display so that it shows which channel the line appears in. I.e. [#channel] <> message
- Fixed an error that would cause the bot to chop off the ":" in an emoticon if that was the first thing said in a line.
- Added a /CLEAR command to the console. Will clear the window of all text.
- Worked on the reconnect code...again.
- Added method to handle the appearance of KICK messages.
This version is not available for download just yet.
For some reason I felt compelled to sign up for Twitter. I really don't know why and I'll probably rarely even use it beyond this initial mention of it. But who knows? http://twitter.com/iyouboushi
I entered, and failed, NaNoWriMo this year. My (unfinished) novel can be found by clicking here. I still need to update the blog and continue the story. I do intend to finish the novel, I just don't know when.
Barring some pointless Internet Drama, there's nothing else to mention. Thus this update has come to an end.